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  • FRIDAYS at 7:15 AM:  Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Youth-grades 8th-12th grades) Only during school Season!
  • FRIDAYS at 8:30 AM:  Faith Seekers (Friday morning Bible study) is studying a book by Dr. Robert Jeffress, “What Every Christian Should Know.”  It’s a study on 10 core beliefs for standing strong in a shifting world.  We invite you to join us for this study on God’s word.
  • SATURDAYS at 8:00 AM:  Men's Bible Study "Iron Sharpening Iron" gathering in the Chapel.
  • SUNDAYS after the Service:  Sunday School in the Gathering area from 11-12 noon.  We are studying the book, "Pagan Christianity".
  • SUNDAYS at 4 PM:  You are welcome to join us in the chapel for a time of fellowship and talk about Jesus.
  • MONDAYS at 4 PM:  Everyone is welcome to join us in the Library/Prayer Room to pray as the Holy Spirit leads. We NEED men to join us.
  • MONDAYS at 6:30 PM:  Women's Bible Study in the Chapel. All ladies are welcome...don't forget your Bibles!
  • MONDAYS at 6:30 PM:  Men's Bible Study in the Gathering Area. All men are welcome...we are studying Romans. Please bring your Bibles!